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I'm delighted to have been selected to present at the 2019 conference of Who Heals the Healer: the convergence.

I will be running a circle called "The Ring of Power". The intention of the circle is to bring us empowerment by healing our beliefs about, and relationship to, power.

Using the Mayan Sacred Teachings of the Ring of Power I will take you on a journey; together we will explore, heal and transform our personal understanding and beliefs about power. Developing wisdom to accept and use our personal power is the focus, as we explore the concepts of: Discernment, Responsibility, Will and Choice as elements intrinsically linked to power.

The conference is Sunday, May 19th from 10am to 5pm at MINKA Brooklyn (1120 Washington Ave, BK NY 11225).

Hope to see you there!

Mensaje de Terry Cole-Whittaker

Saludos, queridos seres divinos:

Con gran placer y satisfacción finalmente podemos ofrecer una versión en español de mi libro más vendido: “Lo Que Pienses de Mí no es Asunto Mío”. Cuando escribí este libro, fue con la intención de ayudar a otros -y a mí misma- a dejar de permitir que otros tomen mi poder, me insulten o me hagan caer en el sufrimiento, la miseria y el miedo, o incluso a dudar y odiarme a mí misma, en lugar de empoderar, enriquecer y ayudarme a mí y a otros a ser quien realmente somos; seres divinos con todas las cualidades, poderes y habilidades divinas. Este es nuestro reto básico y la oportunidad más grande de nuestras vidas.

Este libro, que ha tenido las mayores ventas en el mercado, es tan valioso y necesario para cada persona, que elegí a Elizabeth Alanis quien es la mejor maestra de auto empoderamiento, y el mensaje de “Lo Que Pienses de Mí no Es Asunto Mio”, porque ella usó este libro para empoderarse a sí misma, alcanzando grandes alturas de éxito en auto confianza, relaciones, salud, carrera y prosperidad.

Debido a quién es ella y su trabajo como psicoterapeuta, consejera, mentora, entrenadora, reverenda y profesora de verdades espirituales prácticas, y como ella ha usado este libro para transformar su vida, Elizabeth es la persona más cualificada para difundir este mensaje liberador y enriquecedor a la comunidad de habla Hispana alrededor del mundo.

La Dra. Alanis recibió su doctorado honorario en Divinidad de “Adventures in Enlightenment” para honrar y celebrar su maestría, su trabajo incansable y su dedicación para ayudar a sus estudiantes, clientes, pacientes y lectores de este libro a resolver sus problemas, y a lograr la más alta evolución que es posible en sus vidas.

Con Amor,

Terry Cole-Whittaker Tsf, D.D. DHL

Descarga ahora tu copia gratuita: PDF / EPUB

A message from Terry Cole-Whittaker

Greetings Dear Spirit / Soul Divine Beings:

It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that we are able to offer a Spanish version of the bestselling book “What You Think of Me is None of My Business”. When I wrote the book, it was with the intention of helping others besides myself to stop allowing others to depower, insult, or cause me to fall into suffering, misery, and fear and even self-doubt and self-hatred, instead of empowering, enriching and helping me and others to be all that we are as divine beings with all godlike qualities, powers, and abilities. This is our basic challenge and opportunity.

This bestselling book is so valuable and necessary for every person that I have chosen Elizabeth Alanis, as the best teacher of Self-Empowerment and the message of What You Think of Me is None of My Business, because she used the book to empower herself and attain great heights of success in self-confidence, relationships, health, career, and prosperity. Because of who she is and her work as a licensed psychotherapist, counselor, mentor, coach, reverend and teacher of practical spiritual Truths. As Elizabeth has used this book to transform her life, she is the authentic messenger to convey this liberating and enriching message to the Spanish speaking community, worldwide.

Dr. Alanis received her honorary doctorate of Divinity from Adventures in Enlightenment to honor and celebrate her mastery and tireless work and dedication to help her students, clients, patients, and readers of this book to solve their problems and attain their highest evolution of what is possible in their lives.

With love,

Terry Cole-Whittaker Tsf, D.D. DHL

Visit Terry's site:

Download the free Spanish edition here: PDF / ePUB

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