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Self-love needs to be more than a word in our lives—it needs to be an ongoing commitment to nurture ourselves deeply. Self-love means nourishing all your four bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It requires action. Instead of striving for accomplishments, which benefit your external being, you can choose actions that balance, heal, release, and reset your inner being, These create a foundation for true love within you. Imagine dedicating time and energy in the sacred space of a retreat to fully embrace, honor, and cherish who you are.

Discover the Transformative Benefits of a Love Into Wholeness Retreat

If your world is filled with demands and distractions, you may have lost touch with yourself and the relationships that matter most to you. A Love Into Wholeness retreat will give you the time and space to step back from your daily life, prioritize yourself, and experience profound healing and growth.

Break Free from your Normal Routines

Life’s routines can keep us feeling stuck. A Love Into Wholeness retreat gives you the chance to escape your normal life and step into a new environment of possibilities. Embrace a break from the ordinary, a time to refresh and realign with your true self.

Make Yourself a Priority

Life’s demands can make us forget to put our own well-being first. A Love Into Wholeness retreat gives you the opportunity to set aside work, social media, and expectations of others, so you can focus entirely on your healing and transformation. Make yourself your highest priority, give yourself the care and attention you need to support your own well-being.

Be Present with Yourself

The sacred space of a retreat allows you to give yourself undivided attention, which you need if you want to reconnect with your essence. You will be able to see deeper into your inner world and cultivate an intimate relationship with your own heart. This will give you the chance to embrace yourself with a depth of love and compassion that will ripple far beyond the retreat. A Love Into Wholeness retreat is not merely an escape; it is a profound, loving, and healing encounter with every part of who you are.

Experience Profound Healing and Growth

During a Love Into Wholeness retreat, you’ll engage in focused sessions. After each session, you’ll have time to deeply integrate session material into your being, by doing reflection and healing. Each session in the retreat builds on the previous one, shifting you in a series of gradual yet profound steps. This adjusts the course of your life one degree at a time, stabilizing  you with each shift, until you’re heading in an entirely new and positive direction, feeling aligned and renewed.

Deep-rooted and Long-lasting Transformation

Insights from traditional therapy sessions can quickly dissipate on returning to everyday life. A retreat is different. Focused energy and intention during the retreat allow for deep reflection, meaningful integration, and lasting change. This immersive experience ensures your transformation is deeply rooted, and its benefits stay with you long afterwards.

Ready to Begin Your Love Affair with Self?

Join a Love Into Wholeness retreat, step away from life’s distractions and demands, rediscover the beauty of your own being, and give yourself the gift of enduring transformation. This journey of self-discovery and growth awaits you.

Let’s schedule a complementary consultation to assess your needs and plan your personalized retreat. Email me at:

January is a time for new beginnings. Many of us eagerly jot down goals, hoping that this year we will achieve them. Do these goals come from a place of clarity? Do they align with what truly matters to us? And if we achieve them, do we feel unexpectedly unfulfilled?

Consider a Retreat

This year, I invite you to consider a solo or duo (for two) retreat. It will give you the time and space you need to shift your focus from setting goals to creating a vision—a clear and vibrant picture of the life you want to live. A vision takes you beyond a list of achievements to creating a holistic view of how you want to experience life. It takes into account every dimension of your being, from your inner world to your relationships with others and to the larger world around you.

A Retreat Gives You a Foundation for Healing and Growth

On my guided relationship healing retreats, we start with the most important relationship: your relationship with yourself. To truly heal and create meaningful relationships with others, you must begin by understanding what you deeply value and desire in your own life. Then the healthier way you see and care for yourself can be mirrored in your connections with others.

A retreat gives you the opportunity to focus on creating a vision, unencumbered by daily external expectations or societal pressures. You will be able to connect with your heart and spirit to uncover what you truly long for. The retreat approach can quickly transform how you relate to the world, opening your life to greater alignment and fulfillment.

Winter: A Season for Dreaming Your New Life

January is more than a time for resolutions; it’s also a time for dreaming your new life. Winter nurtures dreaming, aligning us with the rhythms of the Earth. Just as the Earth rests, cold, quiet, barren and preparing for spring, we too are invited to rest, reflect, and retreat.

Many traditions call this Kiva time—a sacred time of going into the cave to connect with our inner selves, to uncover what truly matters, and to imagine the life we wish to live. This is the season when you plant the seeds of your new life. This is a season potent with creativity if you give yourself the opportunity to retreat.

A Vision Beyond Goals

On our solo or duo retreat, you will create a vision, taking time to reflect on the life you dream of living. It will enrich your life well beyond a list of goals.

These are just some of the key areas we will consider.

  • Partner and Love: How do you envision love and partnership? What kind of relationship do you want to create or nurture?

  • Family and Friends: What role do family and friends play in your life? How can you strengthen these connections?

  • Spirituality: What practices or beliefs connect you to a sense of peace, purpose, or the sacred? How do you want to deepen your spiritual life?

We will reflect on these and other important areas on a retreat, asking: What do I want to experience? How do I want to feel? And what values do I want to honor? We will use tools to create a place of clarity. From that foundation, you can then set goals that align with your vision—goals that feel inspired and purposeful because they’re rooted in what truly matters to you.

Your Invitation to Retreat Starts Here

If you’re ready to move beyond resolutions and create a life of meaning and connection, I invite you to take the first step towards planning a solo or duo retreat. We will work together to craft a clear vision that supports the life you want to live.

Reach out to schedule the first step towards a retreat, a meeting with me (Clarity Session) by emailing me at This meeting will help you explore what’s truly important to you and lay the foundation for the healing and transformation you seek.

This January, let’s dream big and create a vision that guides you to a life of wholeness, joy, and connection. The journey starts with you.

With love,

Elizabeth Alanis

Three years ago, I was released from my job as a Clinical Supervisor at NYU Langone School Behavioral Health Program. I received the notice as a shock. Despite COVID-19 hitting us and the closing of schools I had been a key element to rapidly convert our services to provide psychotherapy sessions online. I knew I had gone beyond and above to keep my team intact, the program running and our children and families receiving the much-needed services.

I listened to the different parts of me activated by this event. There was a very angry one wanting to roll her sleeves and give it a fight. There was another one feeling victimized and impotent. Another one frozen in fear. And among them all, there was this one who was happily yelling: Yes to Freedom! For years I had desired to leave this job and dedicate myself fully to my business. But “Love into Wholeness” was not yet breaking even. Each year I said to myself: Soon, but I have not the economic stability to do this yet.

And then I saw her, that part of me who prayed just 7 days before receiving this notice asking Great Spirit to remove anything from me that was in the way of my serving Life in the way She wanted me. This was the answer to that prayer and I knew it in my heart. I embraced each part of me that was in distress and I asked for guidance about my next steps. The only thing I knew with certainty was that I was not to look for the “safety” of another job. This was an opportunity for me to fly solo going in the direction that my heart truly desired.

I listened to the guidance of the Sacred Spirit Guides who gently continued closing doors and opening new ones. I trusted this guidance and moved to the most unexpected place, Houston Texas, to learn from a great teacher on the Medicine Wheels as my desire was to create a program to guide children through a series of initiations, gaining mastery of how to use their power of choice to manage the difficulties in their lives, their critical inner voices, and emotions. Within a year my teacher and I had created a program and a non-for-profit organization called “Clear Path” and we were sending out applications for the first cohort of children to come to our day camp.

Suddenly, unexpected events in my teacher’s life led her to move in a different direction leaving me with the sole responsibility to run both, the day camp and the organization. I entered a period of bewilderment; Had I made a mistake interpreting the guidance of Great Spirit and my Spirit Guides? I went into a much-needed Vision Quest and I realized that my work with children had ended at the time I was released from my job. My deepest desire was to work with women and the program I had created for children was a preparation to create my unique programs for women who have the deepest desire to live their life to the fullest and experience joyful delight in their relationships.

At my return from my vision quest, in conversation with my brother, he asked me what I was doing still in Texas if I was disintegrating “Clear Path.” I told him “I don’t know yet what is the next step about that but I want a place that I can call home.” He knew my desire was to live in nature and he had just bought a house in a beautiful place in North Carolina. He asked if I wanted to come and live there for a while to see if that could be home. I knew immediately that was the next step for me and I moved to North Carolina to find out that this is my promised land.

As I sit now at the porch of my home, sitting in acres of beautiful woods, preparing for a Sacred Ceremony I will hold during the weekend, on the third anniversary of the ending of a long chapter in my life, the end of holding a formal job, I feel so grateful to the Great Spirit that prepared this sacred journey for me and released me from the chains that held me in a place I did not want to be anymore, I am grateful to the Sacred Spirits that guided me, and I am grateful to each part of me who said yes to that sacred longing for a free and joyful life, who trusted the sacred guidance and kept taking the very next step.

As I close my eyes, I feel you sitting next to me and I want to ask you, what is your heart longing for? Would you pray to let go of what holds you back? Will you take the next step?

I would love to hear from you and assist you in your Vision Quest, schedule a free consultation call following this link:

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