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Limited to 5 participants - small exclusive ceremony

Presenter: Elizabeth Alanis

Date: Sunday August 11th

Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Place: Small venue - to be announced

Exchange: $75.00

Register: phone (718) 501-4944

Purpose: Reclaim and embrace feminine power, access wisdom and healing

You are invited to be celebrated and honored at a Sacred Rite of Passage Ceremony. We will explore Divine Feminine Power and will be fully informed of our birthright: Divine Connection with Spirit, our bodies, and the power of Creation. This ceremony will give you the chance to consciously access wisdom and healing, experiencing the transformation of your being.

At the outcome of this ceremony you will experience full connection to your womanhood, feeling happily embodied and centered in your power. At this intimate event – for only 5 women – we will hold a sacred and safe space together. I would ask you to be punctual out of respect for the other ladies.

Background: Once upon a time, women knew their power because they were taught at a young age how to relate to their body's potential and about the beauty and powers of being a woman. A woman would be honored and celebrated with a rite of passage for each of her life events.

Traditional rites of passage were present in most ancient matriarchal cultures across the planet. As matriarchal cultures were eliminated and replaced by patriarchal ones, we women lost contact with our feminine power by assimilating into ourselves hate and fear towards the Sacred Feminine, a point of view enforced on us as a means of control.

The time has come for women to reclaim their lost power. Many woman trying to reclaim it have been sidetracked into owning only their masculine power. For millennia, the lies we have heard about our bodies and the power that resides in them, have translated into confusion and self-loathing. The first step in reclaiming our power is to explore the Divine Feminine Power, following which we can embrace it as our own.

Do contact me at (718) 501-4944 to register and if you have any questions.

Defining and Embracing your Feminine Power - A Rite of Passage Ceremony

Presenter: Elizabeth Alanis and MINKA brooklyn Guest Facilitator

Saturdays in 2019: July 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th - 7:00 pm-9:00 pm

MINKA brooklyn, 1120 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225

EXCHANGE: $25 - $55 Sliding scale per class; $80 for all 4 classes

Purpose: Empowerment through healing our beliefs about, and relationship to power.

Concept: Using the Mayan Sacred Teachings of the Ring of Power we will explore, heal and transform our personal understanding and beliefs about power. Developing wisdom to accept and use our personal power is the focus, as we also explore the concepts of: Discernment, Responsibility, Will and Choice as elements intimately linked to power.

Benefits of attending the four circles:

  • Participants will gain insight into their relationships to Power in their lives.

  • Increased awareness will bring to the forefront the particular ways in which we disempower ourselves and give our power away consciously and unconsciously.

  • You will explore the agreements you have made to yourself and others that empower or disempower you, and will decide the agreements you want to keep while dissolving the ones that do not serve you.

  • The outcome will be the experience of embodying our authentic power to give birth to the seeds of transformation of our lives.

1st circle (July 6th) Great Spirit and the Element of Earth, planted at the West of the Medicine Wheel, will help us at the beginning of our journey to examine the first roots and the development of our beliefs in power.

2nd Circle (July 13th) Nested at the North of the Medicine Wheel where our Higher Self sits and helped by the element of Air, we continue with our inquiry and healing of our own power, and the power of the institutions we created, which appear to have taken on a life of their own.

3rd Circle (July 20th) Resting at the East of the Medicine Wheel we receive the guidance of the Collective Consciousness and the element of Fire. Here we will examine the influences of our ancestors on our beliefs regarding internal and external power.

4th Circle (July 27th) Sitting at the South of the Medicine Wheel, our Sacred Human (the one who seeks the way of consciousness and awakens us to our highest potential) and the element of Water, will assist us to deepen our inquiry on how our diverse relationships have helped to shape our beliefs and feelings about self-power and the power of others and institutions in relationship to ours.

At the center of the Medicine Wheel are also the sacred notions that will help us heal and transform our beliefs, feelings, and attitudes towards power. The Sacred Concepts are: Will (West), Choice (North), Discernment (East) and Responsibility (South).

Ring of Power Healing Circle led by Elizabeth Alanis

What people experience in Elizabeth's Healing Circles:

Sharing my relationship to power in this group setting and hearing from others’ stories has helped me to feel stronger and more empowered. There is so much power in sharing and being vulnerable, feeling safe within the circle, and I feel grateful for having connected in this way with other members of this group. - Tanisha, July 2019

This workshop helped me recognize how much I am not alone in my journey. The connection is not so outward. It’s intuitive, and I learned to listen to my intuition through this workshop. Thank you - Joann, July 2019

Elizabeth holds powerful space for deep soul exploration and powerful transformation. She is a true healer. - Jessica, July 2019

Presenter: Elizabeth Alanis

Sunday May 19, 2019 - 11:00 am-12:00 noon

MINKA brooklyn, 1120 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225

Ring of Power Circle

Purpose: Empowerment through healing our beliefs about, and relationship to power.

Concept: Using the Mayan Sacred Teachings of the Ring of Power we will explore, heal and transform our personal understanding and beliefs about power. Developing wisdom to accept and use our personal power is the focus, as we also explore the concepts of: Discernment, Responsibility, Will and Choice as elements intimately linked to power.

Attend the Workshop: To attend, click the link below to register for the conference. When you arrive at the conference, you will be able to choose to attend the Ring of Power Circle workshop.

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