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The Full Moon helps us with grief work, healing, and shedding the past in preparation for the new cycle of creating our new life.

This is a sacred time of forgiveness and gratitude. We release patterns that are in the way to bring to life our heart's desires. We become aware of what is out of balance and bring it into harmony. We can feel appreciation for what is, and from this state of gratitude call forth the new.

Be part of this sacred circle and be held in love as you release what no longer serves you. This live, online ceremony will take place on October 8th at 7:00 PM ET.

Please follow this link to register for this free event:

La Luna Llena es un tiempo de perdón y gratitud. Un tiempo para liberamos de los patrones que son un obstáculo y que podamos dar vida a los deseos de nuestro corazón. Es un tiempo de hacernos conscientes de lo que está fuera de balance y traerlo en armonía. Es tiempo de apreciar lo que tenemos y en donde estamos y desde este estado de gratitud invocar lo nuevo.

Únete a este círculo sagrado y recibe la energía sagrada de la luna y un grupo de mujeres espiritualmente afines, que te ayudara a dar vida a tus sueños más deseados.

Regístrate para este evento gratuito, en vivo y en línea siguiendo este enlace:

The Full Moon is a time of forgiveness and gratitude. We release patterns that are in the way of birthing our heart's desires. We become aware of what is out of balance and bring it into harmony. We can feel appreciation for what is, and from this state of gratitude call forth the new.

Join this sacred circle and be supported by the sacred energy of the moon and a group of kindred spirit women as you co-create your most desired dreams.

Register for this free, live, online event following this link:

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