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Welcome to Love Into Wholeness


"Only love heals us and restores us to Wholeness"

Your struggle trying to "fix" yourself has ended.

Helping you love everything in you, to birth the YOU that your soul longs for. 

You Can...


  • See every part of you as it truly is: good, wise, valuable, and beautiful

  • Have a balanced life feeling alive, not just surviving and postponing the life your heart yearns for

  • Develop true intimacy with your beloved ones as you trust being all of who you are

  • Recognize and take ownership of your gifts and talents

  • Love and stand on your power with grace and wisdom

  • Feel a sense of fulfillment and mastery that magnetizes prosperity in all areas of life



  Love Into Wholeness

Seeds of Transformation


A Joyful Transformation
Walking the Ceremonial Path

A unique, three-month program that will take you into a sacred journey to fall in love with everything you are, exactly as you are.
  • Recovering and honoring the rejected parts of you

  • Identifying and releasing inherited patterns

  • Healing and transforming personal trauma

  • Freeing ourselves through forgiveness

  • Transmuting karma

  • Creating balance within you and your life

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